Located at:
4487 Ebenezer Church Rd
An old Virginia slave, eager to take the gospel to those who would hear him, is responsible for the founding of the Ebenezer Baptist Church, Blackwell town, near Midland Station, Fauquier County Virginia, in a settlement of mostly colored people.
This slave was Henely Chapman, who in the year 1866, obtained permission from Millie Blackwell, to have prayer meeting in her home, which was formerly owned by her mistress, Elizabeth Blackwell. He selected the second Sunday of each month for his services, and he filled his appointments each Sunday until he died.
Upon the death, of Mr. Chapman, the meetings were then moved to the home of Maria Brown. From Mrs. Brown’s they carried their meetings to the home of Alexander Robinson. The congregation next moved to a brush arbor, where they reorganized in 1876.
On August 12, 1876, they had just completed building a church, and held its dedication ceremonies on that date. Under the pastorage of the Rev. Miles, deacons were elected. In 1883, a new pastor was elected the Rev. Wm. Miller. The Rev. W. A. L. Hancock, known as the “financial minister” became the next regular pastor who served for six years. In April of 1925 a call to become pastor of Ebenezer was extended to Rev. W.H. Triplett, which call he accepted in May.
1948 opened a new era in the history of Ebenezer Baptist Church. The late Rev. Elmer D. Tyler was elected pastor. When Rev. Tyler was called to this church, he had a strong faith in God and having faith, he led us prayerfully and successfully for 20 years. During the leadership of Rev. Tyler, our church grew spiritually and financially.
In August 1969 Rev. Dr. C.S. Peterson was elected Pastor until 1994 when he retired. In December 1996 Rev. Vernon Keeve, Jr. was elected and served till Feb. 2002. Rev. George Coghill was elected Pastor in April 2003.